Why is the MBA such a popular graduate degree? While the career progression benefits are published in pretty much every ranking, I have observed a perceptible shift in the reasons why prospective students pursue an MBA over the course of 25+ years of research and recruitment in this space. When I worked in MBA admissions […]


Creating a Killer First Impression in an Interview: Why The “Walk Me Through Your Resume” Response Matters As a former MBA Recruiter and experienced career coach who has helped hundreds of candidates prepare for interviews, I know “Walk me through your resume” or its sister question, “Tell me about yourself” is one of the most

Top 50 MBA Programs

Curious about which MBA programs are best represented in the entrepreneurial ecosystem? Which colleges produce the most successful entrepreneurs? Every year, PitchBook sheds light on that question by ranking undergraduate and MBA programs by the number of venture capital-backed founders among their alumni. Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley topped the list of undergraduate

career lifecycle

Over the course of my years in higher education and corporate talent management, I have developed ideas on how the early job choices we make, propel us to career destinations we later embrace or regret. My ideas are based on observations I have made about individuals’ self-awareness and my perspectives on the human search for

soft skills

With the onset of the new academic year and the arrival of millions of college students across US campuses, my peers who work in the career services profession are braced for another year of multiple recruitment activities and constant streams of career sessions with students. This is what is visible on the surface, but the

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